Ground School

Ground School

Navigation Exercise. PPL Ground School PathFinder Aviation offers in-house Ground School courses delivered by our knowledgeable flight instructors. The benefit of this for our students is the ground school theory is delivered by someone that also does your practical instruction. This allows us to put our theory into practice!

The PathFinder Ground School operates throughout the year running a number of ground theory courses. These courses are specifically tailored to those completing their training part time by being held during evenings or weekends. Courses are open to both PathFinder students and external students. Register your place by the Friday prior to the course commencing (see commencement dates below).

Our ground school covers all the knowledge you will need up to a Private Pilot Licence:

  • Pre-Solo (Both RA-Aus and CASA)
  • Recreational Pilot Licence (for the RA-Aus Pilot Certificate and the CASA Recreational Pilot Licence exam)
  • Private Pilot Licence
  • Navigation Preparation and Planning
  • Radio Operators Licence

Benefits of Ground School

  • Learning in a group environment can enhance your knowledge.
  • An instructor directs you through your study.
  • More affordable rates than individual tutoring.
  • Suitable for part-time students as courses are conducted one evening per week or on weekends.

Upcoming Ground School Course Dates

Each of our courses are currently delivered on evenings from 5:30pm to 8:30pm over the number of weeks shown and will help you prepare for your theory examinations:

  • RPL Course – TBA, runs for 4 weeks, cost $400
  • PPL Course – TBA, runs for 5 weeks, cost $500

We also offer RA-Aus Instructor Rating Courses, see for more information

And our NAV Preparation & Planning courses are held as the need arises.

Details will be advertised on our Facebook page prior to each course starting.

Individual Tutoring

PathFinder Aviation also offers individual exam preparation to supplement what you have learnt in your theory courses. Individual tutoring is useful for those that may have done some self-study or a previous course and feel they need some additional support to pass the examination.

Individual Ground School sessions are $87 per hour.