Night VFR

Night VFR


Your Ticket to Flexibility
You can enjoy affordable and safe flying in a supportive and fun environment with PathFinder Aviation. Your Night Visual Flight Rules (VFR) Rating will allow you to fly at night in Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC). This is a useful addition to your PPL which gives you the flexibility take off before first light, land after last light or simply enjoy a scenic flight over Brisbane at night.

Your Night VFR Rating is a great foundation for your Instrument Rating or Private Instrument Rating. Having more night experience in your logbook is often an advantage when it comes to securing your first job after your achieving your Commercial Pilots Licence. 100 hours of night experience is also required for your Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL).

Night VFR Rating Training Program
Your continued enjoyment of night flying is contingent on not just being able to fly an aircraft but also, to safely operate an aircraft in complex real-world situations.

The syllabus includes sufficient flying for a typical part-time student to develop into a well-rounded NVFR pilot. Fixed price lessons allow you to budget and you have the flexibility to complete the Training Program at your pace. You can commence your Night VFR rating at any time after you have completed your PPL.

Fly the Cessna for your Night VFR Rating
You need to have your PPL or CPL and a current CASA Class 1 or 2 Medical.

Night Visual Flight Rules Rating
24/7 mobile access to 100
Simulator lesson (NDB/VOR/GNSS) @ $377 387 
2* Night Circuits Lessons @ $557 1,174 
4* Navigation planning sessions @ $92/hour 776 
4* Night Navigation Lessons@ $1587 6,628 
NVFR Flight Test & CASA processing fee 1,997 
Typical Total Night VFR Rating Cost $11,062 
Typical Total Logbook Hours 17* hrs 

* The syllabus and testing required to be awarded your NVFR is competency based and the actual hours taken to achieve competency will vary depending on your natural ability, individual rate of learning, frequency of lessons and your preparation and study between lessons. It may take you more or less time.

Prices current as at 1 January 2024, and are subject to change.

Further Opportunities
• Recreational Flight Instructor Rating to launch your career.
• Commercial Pilot Licence will give you control of your charter or airline career.