Navigation Endorsement

Your Ticket to see Australia

On completion of your Pilot Certificate Cross Country or RPL Navigation Endorsement (RPLN), you will be licenced to fly all over Australia in a single engine aeroplane. And you will be permitted to hire aircraft and carry passengers on navigation flights.

Navigation Training Program

Your continued enjoyment of flying is contingent on not just being able to fly an aircraft but also, to safely operate an aircraft in complex real-world situations. Your training will focus on your knowledge, preparation, situational awareness, judgement and decision making, to ensure that you build the strongest foundation for your continued flying and development.

The syllabus includes sufficient flying for a typical part-time student to develop into a well-rounded cross country pilot. Fixed price navigation lessons allow you to budget and you have the flexibility to complete the Training Program at your pace. You can commence your Navigation Training Program any time after completing your Pilot Certificate or Recreational Pilot Licence.

Your practical lessons will be complimented by 24/7 mobile online access to all briefings, demonstration videos, quizzes and practice exams required for your study on


Pathway 1 - Cessna 172 after completing your RPL

Pathway 2 - Sling 2 after completing your Pilot Certificate

Your Next Steps

  • Book your Discovery Flight to experience the joy of flying firsthand.

  • Book a time to meet with a Senior Instructor so that we can best understand your needs, discover your passion and dreams and help you understand the best training pathway for you.

Further Opportunities