When the Sun Goes Down

Many years ago, in the early days of PathFinder, a solo navigation student took forever to get organised, left an hour late, had great conversations with the locals at the stops along the way and when it was obvious that they were not going to make back to Archerfield before last light, pressed on regardless.

Two instructors on the ground watched helplessly as the student attempted their first night landing.
If our reaction to the above was a shrug of the shoulders and saying, “Oh well, these things happen”, we would have been normalising the deviance. The fact that the student greased the landing would have made it easier to avoid analysis, reflection, learning and change.

If every time we did something dumb, dangerous or deviant it bit us immediately we would, at best, learn our lessons sooner. In reality, our dumb, dangerous or deviant actions often have no immediate consequence. The ’safe’ outcomes insidiously assures us that the safe norms are for average pilots or instructors and that we will be ok if we repeat the same mistakes.

Aviation history is littered with stories and wrecks of pilots who were not trained, experienced, current, equipped or competent to fly at night or in Instrument Meteorological Conditions. Better planning and decision making earlier in the day or flight would have resulted in the best outcome. Staying the night in Gympie, William Creek or beside a road in outback South Australia would have been a minor inconvenience and a great war story.


Pilot Certificate or Pilot Licence – Which do I Choose?